Litter Pick and Litter Issue in Great Ashby

2015-03-22 12.40.17 2015-03-22 10.58.37 2015-03-22 10.58.30 2015-02-26 09.52.03 2015-02-26 09.51.47 2015-02-26 09.51.35 2015-02-26 09.51.18

Litter Pick and Litter Issue in Great Ashby

Hi all, the Great Ashby Community Council hosted a litter pick last Sunday, which was my first litter pick as a community councillor. The pick was held in the Great Ashby Park and was attend by Brownies, Cubs, their troop leaders and members of the public. There were around 15 participants and 23 refuse bags of rubbish were collected.

I helped Annabel and Adriana Williams​ who had spotted a bad litter area, and are concerned about the amount of litter they see whilst walking their dogs. This help was a little further a field than I thought! We walking from the park through the wooded paths to the big playing field under the pylons in Mendip Way. A nice walk except for the amount of litter en route and at the end of the playing field itself the litter was even worse.

I have spoken to another independent litter picker Howard as well as Adriana and Annabel and we would like to hold a litter pick at selected target areas once a month. Due to the litter being trapped in amongst the thorn bushes I think that these extra picks should be for adults only.

I have talked to my fellow councillors on the Great Ashby Community Council (GACC) highways committee last night and they have agreed to purchase extra long litter picking tools and hoops to keep the bin bags open, this is in addition to providing bags, standard litter picks and bibs.

At this point we are looking for people to volunteer their services. Some of the litter will only be visible until the growing season gets under way, these areas would be addressed first.

Would anyone who shares our concern about the growing litter problem in and around our beautiful woodlands in Great Ashby, please contact me and volunteer for the proposed GA Litter Team.

Many thanks

Cllr Terry Tyler – Great Ashby Community Council

Candidate for North Hertfordshire District Council – Chesfield Ward

Hi, as well as being a Great Ashby community councillor, I have lived in the ward for nearly 10 years. I am passionate about representing you and standing for the NHDC because, with my highly respected and experienced team member, Sal Jarvis, I will promote your community views.

If successful, I pursue issues that have already been raised at Chesfield Ward, regarding…

The Local Plan for a sensible number of houses for each ward area

  • Green Belt Protection
  • Parking
  • Safe Crossing for School Children
  • School Places
  • Flooding Issues
  • Bus Services and Stops
  • Youth Clubs and Activities


I also pledge to make sure I am accessible via…

  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Phone
  • Email
  • In person: By Holding Monthly Surgeries

I am already out canvassing with Sal and I hope to meet you personally in the near future.

Kind Regards
