Appointed Chair of NHDC Planning Committee

Cllr Terry Tyler – NHDC Chair of Planning Committee 2019/20

At the annual NHDC Council Meeting, I was voted/appointed as the Chair of NHDC Planning Committee for the next civic year. Being the chair is a privilege and carries great responsibility.

Proud to be voted as Vice Chair of North Hertfordshire District Council

At the Annual North Hertfordshire District Council meeting held on Tuesday 21st May, I was proud and pleased to be voted as Vice Chairman of the Council and as a result, I will be visiting all areas with North Herts and beyond as an ambassador for this civic year.

Liberal Democrats – Hertfordshire Six to Fix

Here is the full details of the Six to Fix issues the LibDems will address. You can download from Full Hertfordshire Six to Fix Document

My First Visit to The Houses of Parliament

Yesterday I had the great pleasure to be one of the judges for Peter Lilley MP, for his annual Hitchin & Harpenden Schools Debate, which was held in two Commons committee rooms. The standard of debate by all schools was extraordinary. The overall winner of the event was St George’s School.
After the debating competition Peter, took a number of us to the Commons and then another special treat from Laura (Peter’s Research Assistant) showed a two of us around the Commons Chapel.
It was quite a day and very enjoyable except maybe the Victoria tube issues making it difficult to get to the Commons in good time.