Great Ashby – Houses in Multiple Occupation (The Comet)

‘People are moving out’ – Concern over growing number of bedsits in Stevenage’s Great Ashby area

07:03 03 February 2016

Concerns have been raised about the growing number of bedsits in the Great Ashby area of Stevenage.

Concerns have been raised about the growing number of bedsits in the Great Ashby area of Stevenage.

A significant number of family homes which have been converted into bedsits are destroying Stevenage’s Great Ashby community and creating a parking nightmare – it has been claimed.


Councillor Terry Tyler wants HMOs to be regulated.Councillor Terry Tyler wants HMOs to be regulated.


A law was passed in 2010 which means landlords do not need planning permission to turn a house with up to six occupants who share at least one facility into bedsits.

People living in Great Ashby say this lack of planning control has led to a high concentration of ‘Houses in Multiple Occupation’ in the area, causing an unsustainable pressure on parking and destabilising the community – since there is no sense of ownership.

One resident said: “I have three HMOs in my road and parking is a nightmare. We were never consulted, as obviously there was no outward changes to the houses.”

Terry Tyler, who is a member of Great Ashby Community Council, says personally he is not against HMOs if the parking and their concentration is taken into account.

He said: “Where I live, more than 50 per cent of the houses are HMOs. There’s no sense of community and there’s also a parking problem. The shape of the community has been changed for the worse.

“A friend and neighbour moved to Scotland because she couldn’t take it anymore. People do move out because of it.”

About one third of Great Ashby is under Stevenage Borough Council, while the rest is North Herts District Council.

Last month, following a petition, the Comet reported that the borough council had resolved to carry out a consultation to consider one or more Article 4 Direction – which override the 2010 HMO law and mean houses must be used as family homes.

Councillor Tyler is concerned that the North Herts part of Great Ashby will be ‘bombarded’ with HMOs if the district council doesn’t follow suit.

He added: “The Great Ashby Community Council is undertaking actions to work with NHDC councillors to support changes to the district council’s HMO planning regulations and also actions to work jointly with Stevenage Borough Council in its research and work to limit further HMOs and ensure a high density of HMOs in any one street is avoided in future.”

Councillor Bernard Lovewell, responsible for housing at the district council, said: “Home owners do not require planning permission to change the use of a house to a small HMO with six or fewer occupants.

“The council is working hard to identify HMOs within North Herts to ensure they meet fire safety and amenity standards and are adequately managed.

“We do not, however, have powers to refuse a licence application on the basis that there are other existing HMOs in the vicinity.”

Great Ashby – Possible Round Diamond Lollipop Person

Great Ashby – Possible Round Diamond Lollipop Person

Shool Sign Resized Children Crossing Resized

After many years of campaigning to provide a safe crossing the children across Great Ashby Way on their route to the Round Diamond JMI School, there is now a real possibility of a Lollipop crossing person being appointed to address this urgent need.

Campaigns have been led by concerned parents, district councillors and community councils, which has resulted in a feasibility study being conducted in 2015 by Hertfordshire County Council and sponsored by Tony Hunter our County Councillor.

Confirmation and commencement of Lollipop service will be reported in our next edition of Focus, however in the meantime I would welcome your views.

Great Ashby HMOs a potential issue to our community

Within Great Ashby is a growing concern that houses of multiple occupancy (HMOs) for occupants up to 6 people, which do not require any planning permission. If the HMO dwelling is to have more than six occupants, then planning permission is required.
However, a significant increase number of HMOs, in both Stevenage Borough Council (SBC) and North Herts District Council (NHDC) areas of Great Ashby are cited to cause unsustainable pressure on parking and where there are high concentrations of HMOs in an area will have a highly undesirable destabilising effect on that area’s community, since there is no sense of ownership.
The current legislation allows a Planning Authority to invoke something known as Article 4 Direction (A4D) and if invoked all new applications for HMOs would require planning permission.
Great Ashby community Council (GACC) in December undertook to discuss the issues presented by the increasing number of houses with multiple occupation, it welcomed the Chells Manor group that are campaigning for SBC to invoke A4D. SBC have agreed to undertake a study of the application of A4D for certain areas of Stevenage, including Great Ashby. Should they decide that A4D will be applied to SBC Great Ashby that would leave the NHDC, which is the majority of Great Ashby, with an increased issue of developers converting even more houses into HMOs.
The, GACC stated that it wishes to encourage, via our District Councillors, for NHDC to work with Stevenage Borough Council in their study and work towards the whole of Great Ashby being a A4D area.
I would welcome your views.

NHDC Chesfield Ward Election Results

District Election for Chesfield ward.

First, I would like to thank everyone who voted for me in Great Ashby, Little & Great Wymondley, Graveley, Jacks Hill, Todds Green, Titmore Green, Lower Titmore Green, & Redcoats Green.

The tide of Conservative voting in the General election was also reflected in the NHDC Chesfield Ward. The voting was as follows : Conservative: 1682 (Cathryn Henry) Labour: 647 (Simon Peter Watson) Libdem (me): 564 UKIP: 497 (Colin Rafferty) & Green: 149 Felix Power). Turnout was 68.01%

I congratulate Cathryn on her win and look forward to working with her in my role as a Great Ashby Community Councillor.

On a personal positive side, I have gained a lot of campaign experience at district level and have enjoyed meeting and discussing issues with voters at their doors. I would like to thank my colleagues in the local Libdem team but especially to Sal and Steve Jarvis.

I shall continue to serve Great Ashby as a Community Councillor and work with Sal and Cathryn, at district, to address issues and give a strong voice to our community here in Great Ashby.

When the opportunity arises, as Arnie says “I’ll be back!”, I will stand again as a candidate as a district councillor!


My Campaign and Pledge

Terry Tyler Canvas Lealet Back - DSC4350E

Campaign and Communication Commitments

Hi, as well as being a Great Ashby Community Councillor, I have lived in Great Ashby for over 10 years.

The reasons why I am passionate about standing for NCDC Chesfield Ward this May, is that if I am successful, I will work with and support Sal, to promote/fight for pleasant, fairer and practical communities within Little Wymondley, Great Wymondley, Graveley, Jacks Hill, Great Ashby, Titmore Green, Lower Titmore Green, Redcoats Green, Todds Green and of course Chesfield hamlet. I will pursue in all cases a balanced and pragmatic way respecting the important issues of the day.

 I will actively campaign, in the Chesfield Ward, to:

  • Retain the Green Belt
  • Local Plan: A Fair, Reasonable and Sustainable Number of New Homes
  • An Increase Primary and Secondary School Places
  • Safety of School Children at Busy Road Crossings
  • Fight to Retain or Reinstate a Reliable and Frequent Bus Service
  • Secure a Local Health Centre Facilities
  • Tackle the Growing Litter Issue
  • Within Great Ashby a Long Overdue Public House
  • Lorry Turning Issue in Little Wymondley
  • Traffic Issues through Great Wymondley
  • Support and Promote Youth Clubs and Youth Activities
  • Protect and Maintenance of our public bridleway and footpath network
  • Include Tilekiln and Parsonsgreen Woods within the Managed Walkways in Great Ashby
  • Work and Coordinate with Stevenage Borough Council
  • Promote Planning Controls on HMO’s with 6 or Less Occupants

Communication Commitment

I will commit to giving each individual an open opportunity to contact me via my website, email, phone or social media pages.

In addition, I pledge to hold a surgery once per month.

Canvassing With Sal

I will be canvassing door to door, with Sal and supporters in Little Wymondley, Great Wymondley, Graveley, Great Ashby and Jacks Hill, to as many homes as possible to introduce myself and ask about your concerns and views.


Canvassing in Great Ashby

Cllr Sal Jarvis and I will be Canvassing in Great Ashby for my bid to win your support in the coming North Herts District Council elections for Chesfield during the next few evenings 27/28/29/30 May 2015.

I hope to see you, say hi and discuss any issues you may have.

Remember you can contact me at anytime via my email


Meeting with Head Teacher Zoë Phillips, Round Diamond School

Zoe Phillips -0000 20150427_092702


I had a great meeting with Head Teacher Zoë Phillips at the Round Diamond School this morning. Zoë gave me a guided tour and I was very impressed. It was nice to see so many young happy faces and that goes for the teachers too. 🙂
We discussed issues relating to the school, these were:

The Beacon Bus Stop Shelter Screening.

In the age we live in and due to the photographic/video capability of modern smartphones, people who are waiting in the Beacons bus shelter pointing their phone in direction of the school are in a position to take photos/video of the children. This has increasingly caused, especially outside of the perimeter hedge growing season, members of staff having to approach potential offenders and instruct them of the risk for the school. Possible solutions will be pursued.

All users of The Beacons Bus Stop shelter should be aware if the children are at play outside that care should be taken not to point a smartphone in the direction of the children from the bus stop or any other part of the school perimeter for that matter.

Great Ashby Way School Crossing

A Great Ashby Way school crossing is urgently needed. In conjunction with Cllr Tony Hunter NHDC/HCC, Great Ashby Community Council are 50% funding a crossing feasibility study. It is hoped that this study will result in an acceptable proposal for a safe crossing for children and adults.

Parking on School ZigZag Lines

There is an issue where parents are parking on the school zigzag lines at drop-off and pick-up times. PCSO’s assisted once with enforcement, whilst they were there to address a disturbance, when they wrote out some parking tickets, which resulted in a reduced of offenders for a while . I have undertaken to liaise with our PCSO team to see if they are able to help enforce no parking on a regular basis to deter offenders.

20 MPH Zone around the School on Great Ashby Way

After a few incidents the need to slow speeding, especially eastbound traffic on Great Ashby Way, would enhance child safety. A proposal to pursue a 20 MPH zone around the school on Great Ashby Way, Whitehorse Lane and Mendip Way, will be investigated.

School Signs to Have Timed Flashing Lights

Again in the interest of child safety, a proposal to upgrade the present signs on Great Ashby Way,Mendip Way and Whitehouse Lane to signs that have 4 flashing lights, which operate during drop-off and pick-up times. This will draw much more attention to drivers during these key times.

Space Constraints in Present School Buildings

Zoë demonstrated the acute teaching space shortage issue to me. The school has already made representations to HCC, Additionally, I will engage with HCC to discuss and promote additional class space to meet the needs of the school.
PS Thanks to Duty Head Simon Horleston for taking the picture for this post.


Great Ashby Litter Issue – The Comet Article

The Comet – Great Ashby Litter Picking Volunteers

GA Litter Article The Comet


There are now 10 Great Ashby Volunteer Litter Pickers. Once established maybe Graveley, Great Wymondley, Little Wymondley and Jacks Hill will have teams also. Terry

Click for The Comet article Great Ashby Litter Pick


Help me put the Great back in Ashby and get rid of disgusting litter,’ says Stevenage councillor

12:05 06 April 2015

Terry Tyler litter picking.

Terry Tyler litter picking.

After collecting 23 bags of rubbish in just two hours a councillor has appealed for people to come forward and help him clean up their community.

Around 15 people including cubs and brownies helped Councillor Terry Tyler, a member of the Great Ashby Community Council, clear up part of the woods in Great Ashby District Park last month.

The day’s success has motivated Terry to plan to make the event a monthly fixture and he is asking for more people to come forward and help him make it possible.

“Great Ashby is a fabulous place and the woodland walk is beautiful – but it is being spoilt by litter,” he said.

“It isn’t just the woods, the big playing field under the pylons in Mendip Way is full of rubbish, too.

“It would be a nice walk except for all the bottles, cans, crisp packets and dog poo that seem to be everywhere.

“I spoke to two women walking their dogs who wanted to come away from the woods because there was so much litter.

“Something needs to be done about this now because some of the litter will be invisible in the summer when everything starts growing.”

The group was provided with bin bags and litter pickers by North Herts District Council on the day, but is now planning on buying more equipment including long-handled litter pickers to help people get to rubbish at the bottom of bushes.

Terry wants to focus on specific areas of Great Ashby with each pick and gradually reduce the problem.

“At this point we are looking for people to volunteer their services,” he said. “We’re going to buy some equipment so all we need now is people to help us get the job done. We live in a lovely part of the country and it would be a real shame if it went to waste.”

For more email Terry at

My Campaign and Communication Commitments

Terry Tyler Canvas Lealet Back - DSC4350E

Campaign and Communication Commitments

Hi, as well as being a community councillor, I have lived in Great Ashby for nearly 10 years.

The reasons why I am passionate about standing for NCDC Chesfield Ward this May, is that if I am successful, I will work with and support Sal, to promote/fight for pleasant, fairer and practical communities within Little Wymondley, Great Wymondly, Graveley, Jacks Hill, Great Ashby, Titmore Green, Lower Titmore Green, Redcoats Green, Todds Green and of course Chesfield hamlet. I will pursue in all cases a balanced and pragmatic way respecting the important issues of the day.

 I will actively campaign, in the Chesfield Ward, to:

  • Retain the Green Belt
  • Local Plan: A Fair, Reasonable and Sustainable Number of New Homes
  • An Increase Primary and Secondary School Places
  • Safety of School Children at Busy Road Crossings
  • Fight to Retain or Reinstate a Reliable and Frequent Bus Service
  • Secure a Local Health Centre Facilities
  • Tackle the Growing Litter Issue
  • Within Great Ashby a Long Overdue Public House
  • Lorry Turning Issue in Little Wymondley
  • Traffic Issues through Great Wymondley
  • Support and Promote Youth Clubs and Youth Activities
  • Protect and Maintenance of our public bridleway and footpath network
  • Include Tilekiln and Parsonsgreen Woods within the Managed Walkways in Great Ashby
  • Work and Coordinate with Stevenage Borough Council

Communication Commitment

If successful in winning the Chesfield seat, I will commit to giving each individual an open opportunity to contact me via my website, email, phone or social media pages.

In addition, I pledge to hold an open evening or weekend surgery once per month.

Canvassing With Sal

I will be canvassing door to door, with Sal and supporters in Little Wymondley, Great Wymondley, Graveley, Great Ashby and Jacks Hill, to as many homes as possible to introduce myself and ask about your concerns and views.
