I had a great meeting with Head Teacher Zoë Phillips at the Round Diamond School this morning. Zoë gave me a guided tour and I was very impressed. It was nice to see so many young happy faces and that goes for the teachers too. 🙂
We discussed issues relating to the school, these were:
The Beacon Bus Stop Shelter Screening.
In the age we live in and due to the photographic/video capability of modern smartphones, people who are waiting in the Beacons bus shelter pointing their phone in direction of the school are in a position to take photos/video of the children. This has increasingly caused, especially outside of the perimeter hedge growing season, members of staff having to approach potential offenders and instruct them of the risk for the school. Possible solutions will be pursued.
All users of The Beacons Bus Stop shelter should be aware if the children are at play outside that care should be taken not to point a smartphone in the direction of the children from the bus stop or any other part of the school perimeter for that matter.
Great Ashby Way School Crossing
A Great Ashby Way school crossing is urgently needed. In conjunction with Cllr Tony Hunter NHDC/HCC, Great Ashby Community Council are 50% funding a crossing feasibility study. It is hoped that this study will result in an acceptable proposal for a safe crossing for children and adults.
Parking on School ZigZag Lines
There is an issue where parents are parking on the school zigzag lines at drop-off and pick-up times. PCSO’s assisted once with enforcement, whilst they were there to address a disturbance, when they wrote out some parking tickets, which resulted in a reduced of offenders for a while . I have undertaken to liaise with our PCSO team to see if they are able to help enforce no parking on a regular basis to deter offenders.
20 MPH Zone around the School on Great Ashby Way
After a few incidents the need to slow speeding, especially eastbound traffic on Great Ashby Way, would enhance child safety. A proposal to pursue a 20 MPH zone around the school on Great Ashby Way, Whitehorse Lane and Mendip Way, will be investigated.
School Signs to Have Timed Flashing Lights
Again in the interest of child safety, a proposal to upgrade the present signs on Great Ashby Way,Mendip Way and Whitehouse Lane to signs that have 4 flashing lights, which operate during drop-off and pick-up times. This will draw much more attention to drivers during these key times.
Space Constraints in Present School Buildings
Zoë demonstrated the acute teaching space shortage issue to me. The school has already made representations to HCC, Additionally, I will engage with HCC to discuss and promote additional class space to meet the needs of the school.
PS Thanks to Duty Head Simon Horleston for taking the picture for this post.