Shock Decision by Sal Jarvis
It’s been quite a week, after a shock decision by Sal Jarvis to not defend her NHDC Chesfield Ward Councillor seat at the coming 5th May 2016 elections. Sal and the Lib Dem team has asked me to stand for the next election, which I have accepted.
I would like to thank Sal for her 16 years of Council service, and how proud the party and I am on her achievements and commitment to being an all year around councillor.
Sal will be a very tough act to follow and if successful, I will do my best to provide the same high levels of service to the Chesfield Ward that you have enjoyed with Sal in the past. I was honoured to be asked to stand as a candidate in place of Sal for the Chesfield Ward seat this 5th May.
I am very pleased that I will also be getting Sal’s full support with my campaign and she will continue to be my mentor in the future.