Looking After Great Ashby’s Neighbourhood Centre

Winter 2018

As a part of my drive to demonstrate my commitment to the residents of my Chesfield Ward and in this case the residents of Great Ashby, I’ve been helping since 5th June 2017 out with ground Maintenance at the Great Ashby Neighbourhood Centre. My work involves Litter Picketing, Bin Emptying, Curb Cleaning, Salting and Snow Clearance as well as Grass Cutting and reporting any issues or defects. I perform these duties normally twice a week but other tasks have required my presents as and when required.

One thing that I think that smokers are not aware of is that discarding cigarette butts is considered littering and I was pleased that our local
Fortunes Place Chinese and Fish Bar owner Tom sponsored two cigarette end wall bins one outside the Chineses and the other at the entrance to Budgens. I have been disappointed at the lack of use of these and in the case of the Budgens cigarette bin has been vandalised. I will be looking to have the Budgens bi replaced and promoting the use of these bins

I am working to promote all street lights being operational, recycling bins with cigarette trays on top, the removal of some trolly stores, exit line of sight improvement and the introduction of CCTV. At some point in the near future, you will see new signs encouraging the use of litter bins or taking the litter home.

Round Diamond School Lollipop Island Crossing Patrol Success

After 14 years of campaigning by the Great Ashby Residents, County, District and Community Councillors, County Councillor Steve Jarvis was very pleased to finally delivery the Round Diamond School Crossing Patrol infrastructure and funding.

However, when it came to recruiting nobody applied, which would have meant that the patrol new service would be delayed until a suitable person stepped forward. I decided that this service is too important to have any further delays and successfully applied for the position. This action allowed the School Crossing Patrol (SCP) to start ahead of the new term in September.

Since then I believe that the SCP has been very well received and naming the traffic Island ‘Lollipop Island’ has proved popular with both children and parents alike.

To date, I have attended The Round Diamond school and talked to the reception and year 1 students on separate occasions about road safety and how the crossing works with some fun role-playing thrown in too. I have also followed this up with a talk to the children of the Bunnies reception group based in the GA Community Centre and soon I will talk to the children of a reception group in Chells.

I have, since last September, been posting updates to the Great Ashby Residents Facebook page with regular updates from Lollipop Island.

I must say that I have very much enjoyed delivery his important public service and have built a solid relationship with both the children and parents that use the crossing daily.


Appointed Chair of NHDC Planning Committee

Cllr Terry Tyler – NHDC Chair of Planning Committee 2019/20

At the annual NHDC Council Meeting, I was voted/appointed as the Chair of NHDC Planning Committee for the next civic year. Being the chair is a privilege and carries great responsibility.

Proud to be voted as Vice Chair of North Hertfordshire District Council

At the Annual North Hertfordshire District Council meeting held on Tuesday 21st May, I was proud and pleased to be voted as Vice Chairman of the Council and as a result, I will be visiting all areas with North Herts and beyond as an ambassador for this civic year.